Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 3 Post-op

Busy day today!
Dan is doing well.  The proof?  They have sent us on our way.  So after a morning full of instructions (for me) Dan received his last dose of Factor 8, was fed lunch and off we went.
The nurses and staff were unbelievable!  We will miss their care, and they made us promise to stay in touch.  :-)

Hopefully Dan will sleep (for a long time or at least until I have to wake him up for drugs).  It is so nice and quiet at the hotel.
Not sure I will sleep much being the first night out of the hospital but you never know.

Let's pray he continues to progress as he is, slowly but surely.   He was a bit sad today because he really misses Jacob and Nicholas (me too!).
However we understand they are having a blast and that makes us happy!  :-)

Good night.


  1. Dan so happy to hear that you are progressing so well and relaxing at the hotel!!!! You take care. We are all thinking about you and missing you at work

  2. Hi guys.
    Spoke with Jon & Nadine last nite. Told me Dan had been released - yea!! Now rest & healing. Still praying for you both. Sending lots of positive thoughts & love your way.
    Aunt Esther
